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25 Deep Questions to Strengthen Your Marriage Relationship

Do you want to have a deep and fulfilling relationship with your spouse? I think most of us do. However, if you do want to strengthen your marriage, then you need to be proactive about figuring out how. It takes work to maintain a strong relationship, but it is definitely worth it!

A strong marriage is the foundation of a stable family life, and it provides many benefits for both spouses and children.

In a strong marriage, both partners are committed to the relationship and are willing to work through difficult times. They have a deep sense of trust and respect for each other, and they are able to openly communicate their needs and desires. As a result, strong marriages are more likely to weather the storms of life and remain stable over the long term.

But as I said before, all that effort to maintain a strong marriage is work worth doing. A strong marriage provides a secure base for raising children, and it can bring joy and satisfaction to both spouses.

In this blog post, I will provide you with a list of questions that will help you deepen your connection with your spouse. I hope that you find these questions helpful and that they bring you closer together!

1 – Do I tell you and show you enough that I love you?

2 – Do you feel like I make an effort to learn about your interests and hobbies? Are there areas where I could add more attention?

3 – What is your favorite thing about me?

4 – What do you think is the key to a happy and successful marriage?

5 – Do you feel we have regular date nights? If not, do we need more or less?

6 – Do you feel like you can talk to me about anything?

7 – Is there anything that you would like to change about our relationship? If so, what is it?

8 – In what ways do you like to be shown love?

9 – Where would you love to go (or what would you like to do) on a date together?

10 – What is a hope or dream you have for us for the future?

11 – What is a hope or dream you have for yourself for the future?

12 – What is a hope or dream you have for our family for the future?

13 – What makes you feel most loved by me?

14 – What are some things you appreciate about me?

15 – Is there anything I can do to make our relationship even better? If so, what is it?

16 – Do you have any suggestions on how we can keep the spark alive in our marriage? If so, what are they?

17 – What do you think is the most important thing to remember in order to have a happy and successful marriage?

18 – What do you love most about being married to me?

19 – Do we need more communication about certain topics? If so, what are those topics?

20 – Do we need less communication about certain topics? If so, what are those topics?

21 – Where do you see God working in our marriage and family?

22 – What excites you about our future?

23 – Are there places where you feel hurt in our relationship? If so, what are some ways we could start to mend those hurts?

24 – Do you feel like we have a good balance of time together and apart? If not, what do you think would be the ideal balance for us?

25 – What is something we can start praying for together?


Keeping your marriage alive and thriving takes work, but it is so worth it! We hope that these questions help you to deepen your relationship with your spouse. Thank you for reading and we wish you all the best in your marriage.

Do you have any other suggestions for questions? Please share them in the comments below!