— Welcome, I'm Janette.

About Me

I am a mom to 3 boys, educator, author, life coach, and vision caster.

I offer faith-based solutions to strengthen people and their families.

So much in the world wants to splinter families. It’s my life mission to help you strengthen yours.

A Little About Me:

  • I’m a published author.
  • I love sappy romances and Hallmark movies.
  • Christmas music should be allowed all year long.
  • In my spare time, I’m creating art in some form or fashion.
  • Jesus is everything to me.

How to Work with Me

I’m so excited to work with you and see what God can do in your life!

Below are all the ways that we can partner together.

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One-on-One Coaching

Through video calls, we can do 1:1 coaching calls to really dig into the areas of your life and family that you want support around.

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Relationship Courses

(Coming Soon!)

My courses will cover many of the important relationships in your life: your relationship to God, your relationship to self, your relationship to your kids, and your relationship to others.

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Happy Families Membership

(Coming Soon!)

Here you will receive courses, group coaching, community, and other resources to really strengthen your relationships and build lasting change.